Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Reading to your children just got easier.

I was searching the website for our local library when I came across the kids section. They have a whole website on Early Literacy! You may not be in Maryland, but you can take advantage of this wonderful information.

They have booklists for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Most of them are books that I've never seen before, but my 20 month old would love them.

There's even a list of tips and activities for each age group.

I also found a section just for parents and caregivers. There is information about behavior, homework help, and resources for family fun.

PS - Don't forget to add your personal children's book recommendations to this list!


Rachel JL said...

So, best thing about the internet...
getting to learn things from a library website in Maryland that I never may have found on my own.
Thanks! :-)

Unknown said...

Great link! Thanks.

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