DIY: The Embossed Wall

Wall embossing is a technique a friend taught me. What to emboss your own wall? Well, today is your lucky day!
You will need: Stencils, craft knife, pencil, putty knife, painters tape, paint rollers, paint brushes, paint, and dry time spackle.
Pick a Pattern. First off, you need to decide what you are going to emboss on your walls. We picked maple leaves. But be creative, you can use a fleur-de-lis, a daisy, or a bird. Doing a child's room? How about cars, trucks, stars, or fairies?

Prepare the walls. We will be spackling and painting so give the walls a quick wash and remove any wall plates that might get hit with the roller. Don't tape off yet! If you put the tape on too early, it is harder to remove when you are done.

Spackle Your Design. Grab your putty knife, it's time to spackle! We suggest using dry time indicator spackling. It goes on pink and dries white. The pink color makes it easier to see the design as you're putting it on.

Let it Dry. While your spackling dries, use painters tape to tape off any door jams, baseboards, ceilings or walls you don't want to get paint on.

Paint. Now it is time to paint your walls. Make sure to use a primer if needed. If you find that your spackling is coming off during the painting process, spray it with a little varnish first. Remember to remove the painters tape while the paint is slightly tacky. Don't wait too long or you'll be needing that craft knife to remove it.
Details. Once the paint is dry, feel free to highlight your embossing with little bit of color. You can do this by rubbing a small amount of paint onto the embossed area, then wiping it off with a dry rag. However, don't go overboard, the embossing should be subtle.
i liked this, it looked like a fun project =)
COOL! Someday I am totally doing this! Not right now, though, as I have no wall I'm allowed to paint yet. BUT I WILL!
I am glad you like it, it is so so fun to do, and really very easy too.
I seriously want to do this in my bedroom. I want to emboss fertility Gods.
Did you do this right on a previously painted wall, or was it bare drywall? I am interested in doing something like this on a piece of furniture and want to know if it will stick to clean paint or laminate.
@Tru-- I did it on a previously painted wall. The texture is made with Spackle so it stuck pretty well. I have never tried it on laminate, so I'm not sure if it will stick as well. It might say on the Spackle? If not it might be worth putting a little on an inconspicuous area of the laminate and give it a try. Good Luck!
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