I am really excited to try this project with my kids. They love to get their hands dirty so this seems perfect. The idea comes from crafter Jessica Willson and the craftzine.com blog. Jessica has step by step instructions on how kids can create monoprints with Jello. {link}

I remember making linoleum prints in high school but never thought about how much fun it would be to do with the kids. If you're interested check out The Long Thread's tutorial. Its not nearly as complicated as I remember. {link}

This project looks great, is simple enough for toddlers, not to mention fun for older kids. Just think of all the bracelets and necklaces your kids will make with these beads! They could be busy working for hours. What more could you ask for?{link}
I hope you enjoy these projects! Oh and If you need to whip up a few aprons to cover your cuties while you craft, you should try these. {link}